Thursday, October 18, 2007

FAT Coalition

So, last winter I bought the Precision Nutrition Handbook. Never did it, but thought it was a very good approach, although a bit to serious for me. I want to get into shape, want to lose around 40 lbs and eat healthy. I want to workout at least five times a week. I find that PN is mostly for people who devote their lives exclusively to clean eating and exercise.

I love food, I love cooking, I love baking. I cannot promise that I will eat broiled chicken and spinach throughout my weight loss journey.

I joined Weight Watchers two weeks ago. The first week I gained was the week right after Thanksgiving (it's in October in Canada) and I had THREE dinner parties....the second week I lost 5.4 lbs....I am excited beyond belief...this is the first weight loss I've had in the whole year.

So, now I'm really watching what I eat. Thank God for activity points. I'm allowed 23 points a day, but since I excercise for an hour a day, I can add 9 points to that. Technically, if I wanted to see fast results, I shouldn't use my activity points, but I find that if I didn't I would really be I use them.

I guess that as time goes by, and I get used to eating less, I will use them less and less each day.

Thanks to all for letting me join FAT, I've read several of your blogs and hope to read more during the guys are great, all that weight loss is so inspiring!

So, starting weight 187.6 (can't believe I'm actually writing this for people to see!!!!!!!!!).....after one week 182.2 my goal is to be 162 by 20 December and hopefully 145 by May 2008 or sooner.

Talk to you soon!