Monday, July 30, 2007

The Art of Peruvian Cuisine

As you can see from the picture, this title comes from a book, but in reality it's the mere truth....Peruvian Cuisine is an Art, but right now I'm artless, disarmed. I'm a writer without a pen, a cook without pots and pans, a warrior without a weapon, I can't cook!

21 weeks is the final countdown until my trip back home for Christmas and I refuse to be in Lima, during the summer, with these unwanted pounds hanging around.

I've had a personal trainer for the last ten months. I see her once a week and although my body fat percentage has gone down, which actually means I have lost a size....I haven't lost a freakin' pound.......what's a woman supposed to do?

I work out five times a week, rain or shine. I do cardio for 35-40 minutes and then I strength train for another 40 minutes, but I can't manage to keep my mouth shut. I just don't get it. I see these women on the food network and aside from Paula (but what can you expect from a Southern cook) and the Barefoot Contessa, they're all rail thin! I'm can a woman that cooks for a living, not eat? and if she does she manage to stay thin? Laxatives, gotta be it.

My trainer has put me on an eating plan......the poor girl, who I love to pieces, is going to end up calling it quits on me....she's been training me for 10 months, I'm super toned (not complaining on the buff department), but the pounds seem to be set as solid as cement.

So my trainer e-mails me yesterday wanting to know how the first week went....(I'm allowed one cheat day a week....) and so I emailed her back saying that I had four cheat days last week.. it can't be THAT bad.......four out of seven...almost half the week. Ok, you've got to give was the first week and EVERYBODY knows the first week is the hardest..hopefully it'll be 3 cheat days this week, then 2 the following and you follow week 5 I'll be on the soup diet since I will have managed to not have lost a pound.

Positive thinking...they (who are they?) say you can't receive until you actually believe you can I'm picturing myself everyday (while sweating bullets) in this nice little Pucci dress that I would (will) look absolutely fabulous in.

Therefore I'm on a mission...the muffin top must go, it's clearance day, everything must go....come, take what you want, I'm getting rid of all of it, so be my guest. Wanna follow me on the road to my success? Keep reading! I promise not to post a before picture of me in a pink bikini....


MadMad said...

Yeah - this getting old sucks. I find I have to eat less and less and less and do more and more and more just to maintain my same size. Not sure what else I can add or take out; it seems pretty dire as it is. Soon I'll be running daily marathons and consuming only water. Fun, fun.

Kristen said...

Wow, 10 months with the personal trainer? We all say that it's 60 - 80% about what you eat though. Of course, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn though.

I'd go crazy with just 1 cheat day a week though. You have to find something that works for you. For me, it was just cutting back slowly until I realized I could do more.

Are you still with the personal trainer?